who we are KNOW MORE We areDIGITAL wardrobeready to use for VFX,VIDEOGAMES AND METAVERSE. what we do We give a digital life toPERIS COSTUMESmassive collection of wardrobe.15 million assets from any period.The biggest collection of wardrobe in the world. KNOW MORE We dress virtual extras, video game heroes and metahumans with real clothes. Send us your mood board . We will prepare the outfits for you. from physical to digital PhotogrammetryMarketplace PhotogrammetryMarketplace Demo of our digital extras. Alejandro Toledo director.Kingdom Of Fire.Raised by Monsters. Our digital extras in motion Alejandro Toledo Director.Lineage. Glassworks. Wining time: The Rise of the Lakers Dynasty S2 HBO KAOS Netflix Our clothes dancing.Raised By Monsters. I want to be digital. Head and Body. Raised By Monsters I want to be digital.The Movie.Raised By Monsters. I want to be digital.Making Off.Raised by Monsters. Warrior Nun . Our digital doubles in motion. WE ARE EXPERTS INDIGIDOUBLES. WE ARE EXPERTS INDIGIDOUBLES. Contact us[email protected]www.peris.digitalwww.periscostumes.com Let’s work together!